Nye udgivelser
Gaming and Performance Metrics in Higher Education
18.02.2025 -
At the heart or on the periphery
17.01.2025 -
Impaired face-to-face interaction and emotional energy in cochlear implant usage
10.01.2025 -
Hvordan vi hører sammen – en rapport om sociale forhold for mennesker med høretab
20.12.2024 -
(Mis-)Recognition of the Socially Accepted Role in Communicative Rituals
20.12.2024 -
Correcting misperceptions about ethno-racial discrimination
29.11.2024 -
The integration paradox: Does awareness of the extent of ethno-racial discrimination increase reports of discrimination?
15.11.2024 -
Spatial overlap: trade-offs in refugees' residential choices
15.11.2024 -
Hvad er en samtidsdiagnose? En undersøgelse af Andreas Reckwitz’ metode i Singulariteternes samfund
06.11.2024 -
Mild traumatic brain injury and criminal charges and convictions in mid and late adolescence
01.10.2024 -
Mikael Carleheden: Unchain the Beast!
20.09.2024 -
Køn og karriere i akademia – bag facaden
28.08.2024 -
Grøn samfundsteori – tanker til en økologisk krisetid
02.07.2024 -
Is international student mobility still a distinctive strategy? A study of upper milieu students in Germany
04.06.2024 -
Turning Social Capital into Scientific Capital: Men’s Networking in Academia
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