Nye udgivelser
Hvordan påvirker regulering de lokale lederes autonomi?
10.05.2021 -
Towards a climate-friendly turn? Gender, culture and performativity in Danish transport policy
21.04.2021 -
Ashamed of shaming? Stories of managing, deflecting, and acknowledging shame after committing image-based sexual abuse
20.04.2021 -
Shame, shaming and economy : A theory of image-based sexual abuse within different online sharing environments
09.04.2021 -
Platformsøkonomiens udvikling i Danmark
08.04.2021 -
Linking socioeconomic disadvantage to healthiness of food practices
30.03.2021 -
Ny bog: Organisationer i en overgangstid
01.03.2021 -
Money and the ‘Level Playing Field’: The Epistemic Problem of European Financial Market Integration
27.02.2021 -
Archaeological Methodology: Foucault and the History of Systems of Thought
26.02.2021 -
Syv blogs om arbejdsliv og ledelse under corona-krisen
26.02.2021 -
De nordiske hjælpepakker og atypisk beskæftigede
24.02.2021 -
Kombinatører i platformsøkonomien
24.02.2021 -
Quiet Politics and the Power of Business
23.02.2021 -
Traditionelle fagforeningers udfordringer i vidensøkonomien
09.02.2021 -
The Climatic Virus in an Age of Paralysis
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