Nye udgivelser
Når digitale platforme forhandler
04.06.2020 -
Digitale platforme – supplerende indtægt og risici
04.06.2020 -
(U-)forberedthedens politik
04.06.2020 -
Situating Boundary Work: Chronic Disease Prevention in Danish Hospitals
28.05.2020 -
Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference
25.05.2020 -
Terminological “Communities”: A Conceptual Mapping of Scholarship Identified With Education’s “Global Turn”
24.05.2020 -
Mobilities of policy and mobile parents – creating a new dynamic in policy borrowing within state schooling
24.05.2020 -
How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why
15.05.2020 -
Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: A Narrative and Meta-Analytical Review
20.04.2020 -
Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier: At søge indsigt på tværs
30.03.2020 -
Om expertis och demokrati – en teoretisk revidering efter Trump och corona
27.03.2020 -
MedieKultur: Intimitet og visuel kommunikation i sociale medier
16.03.2020 -
Qualitative Analysis. Eight Approaches for the Social Sciences
21.02.2020 -
Gendering Smart Mobilities: New book from Routledge
06.02.2020 -
Biographical disruption or cohesion?: How parents deal with their child's autism diagnosis
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