Nye udgivelser
Social Customs and Trade Union Membership: A Multi-Level Analysis of Workplace Union Density Using Micro-Data
07.08.2017 -
På vej mod en livsfase overenskomst
27.06.2017 -
EU og arbejdsmarkedet
12.06.2017 -
Danish and Swedish labour unions pursue different strategies for achieving social solidarity
08.06.2017 -
Danske og svenske fagbevægelser forfølger forskellige former for solidaritet
08.06.2017 -
How are trust-based bargaining relations reproduced at company level? The importance of informal contacts.
02.06.2017 -
Mapping the Social Class Structure: From Occupational Mobility to Social Class Categories Using Network Analysis
02.06.2017 -
How are trust-based bargaining relations reproduced at company level? The importance of informal contacts
02.06.2017 -
Hvordan opbygger og reparerer forhandlere tillid? Betydningen af uformelle kontakter
02.06.2017 -
FAOS information nr 1, 2017
24.05.2017 -
“Don’t make too much fuss about it.” Negotiating adult cannabis use
18.05.2017 -
Forskere: Behov for nedre grænse for arbejdstid?
16.05.2017 -
16.05.2017 -
Systemic Humiliation as Daily Social Suffering
16.05.2017 -
To nye specialer om arbejdsmarked
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