Nye udgivelser
Digitalisering af arbejdet og digitale platforme i Danmark
02.10.2017 -
Measuring Employability for Disadvantaged Unemployed People? Evidence from Survey and Register Data
28.09.2017 -
Differential Recruitment to and Outcomes of Solidarity Activism
21.09.2017 -
Living hours under pressure: flexibility loopholes in the Danish IR-model
19.09.2017 -
Flere afhængige af to jobs
19.09.2017 -
Quantitative methods, big data and gender
07.09.2017 -
Gadevold – en sociologisk kortlægning af vold i byen
05.09.2017 -
Lokalaftaler: Løn og arbejdstid fylder – ’bløde’ områder forbigås
05.09.2017 -
Is the Kingdom of the Bicycles Rising Again?
31.08.2017 -
Faglig organisering på arbejdspladsen vigtig for fremtiden
22.08.2017 -
Social Customs and Trade Union Membership: A Multi-Level Analysis of Workplace Union Density Using Micro-Data
21.08.2017 -
Servicearbejdsmarkedet i Danmark efter finanskrisen
18.08.2017 -
Government employers in Sweden, Denmark and Norway: The use of power to control wage and employment conditions
09.08.2017 -
Government employers in Sweden, Denmark and Norway: The use of power to control wage and employment conditions
09.08.2017 -
Hvordan agerer staten som offentlig arbejdsgiver i Danmark, Sverige og Norge
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