Nye udgivelser
Co-Production of Care During COVID-19
17.12.2020 -
EU’s familie-arbejdslivsdirektiv: En tabt mulighed for britisk ligestilling?
14.12.2020 -
Det epidemiske samfund
04.12.2020 -
Den bæredygtige stat
01.12.2020 -
Digital Transformations of Traditional Work in the Nordic Countries
24.11.2020 -
Håndbog for mellemledere
16.11.2020 -
Public communication campaigns as mundane category
30.10.2020 -
Renewing Theories of Practice and Reappraising the Cultural
23.10.2020 -
Ny bog: Det offentlige aftalesystems historie
08.10.2020 -
Coronakrisen har afdækket blinde pletter i nordiske arbejdsmarkedsdata
07.10.2020 -
Inequality in Interaction: Equalising the Helper–Recipient Relationship in the Refugee Solidarity Movement
23.09.2020 -
Trepart siden finanskrisen - sammenligning af tre lande
23.09.2020 -
On solidarity and volunteering during the COVID-19 crisis in Denmark
15.09.2020 -
Claire Maxwell selected for anniversary issue of the British Journal of Sociology of Education
03.09.2020 -
Outsidere – Studier i afvigelsessociologi
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