Nye udgivelser
Interpreting and Understanding Logits, Probits, and Other Nonlinear Probability Models
08.08.2018 -
Gender, Transport, Sustainability. Chinese Perspectives on a New Field of Research and Public Policy
08.08.2018 -
Collective wage bargaining under strain in northern European construction
07.08.2018 -
Overenskomstsystemer i den nordeuropæiske byggebranche under pres
07.08.2018 -
Reframing Convenience Food
29.06.2018 -
Voluntarist regulation of the digital economy
29.06.2018 -
Aftaleregulering af den digitale økonomi
28.06.2018 -
FAOS Information nr. 1 2018
20.06.2018 -
Immigrant labour market integration
19.06.2018 -
Shaping of 'Embodied Expertise' in Alternative Medicine
15.06.2018 -
Ny EU-rapport om digitalisering af arbejdsmarkedet
12.06.2018 -
Arbejdsklausulers rolle i offentlige udbud
04.06.2018 -
Tackling Precarious Work in Public Supply Chains
04.06.2018 -
Extra‐Institutional Changes under Pressure from Posting
18.05.2018 -
Udstationering leder til uformelle institutionelle forandringer af arbejdsmarkedet
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