Nye udgivelser
De offentlige overenskomst-forhandlinger 2015 - tilbageblik, forventninger til arbejdsgiverne og lønmodtagerstrategier
19.02.2014 -
Fra løn til velfærd - perspektiver for OK-2014
17.02.2014 -
On Theorizing: C.S. Peirce and Contemporary Social Science
17.02.2014 -
Social exclusion or poverty individualisation? An empirical test of two recent and competing poverty theories
12.02.2014 -
Social exclusion or poverty individualisation? An empirical test of two recent and competing poverty theories
12.02.2014 -
Why do people join trade unions?
07.02.2014 -
Why do people join trade unions?
07.02.2014 -
Det formelle medarbejderdemokratis tillidsskabende potentiale
30.01.2014 -
Arbejdsmigranter fra Central- og Østeuropa i de nordiske lande
21.01.2014 -
FAOS information nr. 1 2014
21.01.2014 -
Labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in the Nordic countries
21.01.2014 -
The economic crisis: Testing employee relations
20.01.2014 -
The economic crisis: Testing employee relations
20.01.2014 -
Collective cooperation during rationalization and retrenchment
14.01.2014 -
PhD Dissertation: "Making durable transitions from education to work"
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