Tema: Kina
Sociologisk Institut (den tidligere Koordination for Kønsforskning) har i forbindelse med etableringen af universitetscenter Sino Danish Centre i Beijing initieret en række projekter og netværksaktiviteter siden 2010. Projektbeskrivelser er samlet nedenfor.
Hilda Rømer Christensen
Sociologisk Institut
Mail: hrc@soc.ku.dk
Telefon: 31 21 41 18
Lecture by Dr. CHEN Meng, from Shanghai University, on Perfect motherhood: Middle-class mothers in urban China. November 13th, 14-16 2019, at University of Copenhagen. Organized by Coordination for Gender Research, Gendering Asia Network and Think China. Read more about the lecture and Cheng Meng
A one day seminar exploring ageing societies and elderly care in a Chinese and Danish context. Professor Jihua Lu from Peking University discussed Elderly Care in China - Chaninging Norms Across Generations. October 4th, 2019.
The workshop is the 3rd and last in a workshop series of three. The 1st workshop was convened in Beijing in December 2017 and the 2nd took place at the University of Copenhagen in October 2018.
Topics to be addressed at this 3rd workshop include various intersections of class formation and practices including the making of the middle class and middle class masculinity, homes, housing as well as class and gender in art, consumption and social media, and sports.
The aim of this seminar is to explore the Chinese middle-class as a central subject of critical and forward-looking research. In so doing, we have invited a distinguished group of scholars to reflect on the making of the Chinese middle-class in conceptual terms as well as the meanings and significances of the middle-class in contemporary China.
Hilda Rømer Christensen, Bettina Hauge and Cancan Wang has co-edited the publication: Women, Gender, and Research. Chinese and Nordic Perspectives. The book has been published by Shanghai Joint Publishing Company in Chinese.
Successful research workshop on Middle Strata on the Move took place at December 14th to 15ths in the new SDC Building in the Eastern Yangihu Campus, Beijing. The workshop crossed various scholarly specializations and added significant new perspectives to an up and coming field of research relevant for China and the rest of the world!
This seminar focused on significant intersections of gender, class and new forms of life in the 21st century China.
The seminar shedded light from different angles on new social forms and identities in the context of globalization, neoliberal
reforms and ways of life in present day China.
The aim of this summer-school was to focus on the intersections of Gender and body dynamics in the 21st century, with a specific focus on connecting comparisons between China and Denmark and the Nordic countries. The course departed from experimental interdisciplinary methodologies using texts and visual materials. Also research approached to comparative analysis in the context of globalization, neoliberal reforms and ways of life in East and West will be introduced (Aihwa Ong et al).
The course presented themes and cases related to body and gender dynamics, and new ways of doing middle class and everyday life in the home, family, marriage and parenting, as well as mobility and and new lifestyle practices.
Konferencen ‘Gender and Communication - representation, voice and empowerment in and through media, film and information and communication technologies (ICTs)’ blev holdt i Beijing d. 22-23. september 2014. Læs rapport fra konferencen.
Lektor Hilda Rømer Christensen, tidligere leder på Koordinationen for Kønsforskning, fortæller om et undervisningsophold ved Shanghai Universitys Summer School, sommeren 2013. Læs mere her
GENDER DYNAMICS IN THE 21st CENTURY: Gender, class, Culture in a Globalizing World. October 23rd 2013. Nordic Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai.
Projektet bestod af to delprojekter:
- Projektet 'Discourses of Urban Modernity: The Making of the “New” Middle Class Home in China', som blev udført af Hilda Rømer Christensen
- Projektet 'Stories of Breasts and Bottles. Tensions between motherhood and career in Chinese and Danish Middle class families', der blev udført af ph.d.-studerende Michala Hvidt Breengaard. Ambitionen var at knytte flere forskere og forskningsprojekter til den daværende Koordination for Kønsforskning for at udvikle et egentligt forskningsmiljø med post.doc.-forskere og ph.d.-studerende indenfor relevante emner i relation til nye transnationale og europæiske forskningsemner.
Sommerskolen blev afholdt i København og Beijing med temaet Gender and Body Dynamics. Chinese and Danish Perspectives.
Workshoppen blev afholdt ved Peking University, 30-31 august, 2012: Gender Dynamics in the 20th century. Exchanges between China and Denmark. Forslag til workshop med fokus på køn udsprang oprindeligt af kontakter i IARU alliancen, hvor både KU og Peking Universitet er medlemmer, men blev først mulig at gennemføre med støtte fra SDC i 2012. Workshoppen og sommerskolen på Peking Universitet viste, at der godt kan bygges netværk op nedefra i IARU alliancens regi. Og tillige, at modellen med fordel kunne inkluderes og faciliteres i det formelle IARU samarbejde på KU.
Koordinationen søgte og opnåede finansiering fra Velux Fonden til en gæsteprofessor i foråret 2014: Professor Dr. Aihwa Ong.